Friday, June 6, 2008

trying again

So today I wrote a letter.  Didn't say a lot.  Tried to apologize one last time.  Tried to explain what happened to me.  Said good bye.  I hope this gives me the closure I seem to need.  Now this person knows what I think happened and how I felt/feel.  While there were parts that were sort of mean, in that I told her that I never needed her friendship (or whatever relationship we had).  I think I tried to warn her a little.  That the person that came between us is not what they seem.  I doubt they will believe me.  Which is fine.  I told her I was never angry.  That the other person hurt me.  That I hope they are more careful with her feelings.  That I wish her the best and hope she takes care of herself.  

So that is done.  It was short and to the point.  Then I put it in an envelop and interofficed it to her.  I have no idea when she will get it and I'm not sure I care.  While I'd like to talk with her again, I will never share my life with her that way I did before.  I hope this last month she has found and made other connections.  Actually, I don't care.  I hope he doesn't hurt her although I think it is a given.  The only person he cares about is himself.  When he no longer needs her adoration, he will ditch her.  I hope she has people to turn to when it happens.

People who use people eventually get used themselves.  

What did I hope to accomplish?  I'm not exactly sure.  I guess to have my say.  To apologize for being misled.  To wish them well.  To give her one last chance to apologize to me.  Not that I truly believe it will happen.   But at least I tried and I feel like maybe I do have the closure I need.  Not that I want to be in contact with or anywhere near her, but at least I know that I tried one last thing to repair our relationship.

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