Sunday, May 2, 2010

typical weekend

This is the chair we painted to auction off at Relay - the proceeds will go to Colleen and Angie's team - it was a lot of fun to paint - isn't it cute? I wish I had a porch to set it on to watch the world go by...

I feel like I should be writing but don't have much to say. I'm killing time until Colleen gets off and Sarah is ready for her concert. We will drop Sarah off at the Duck Deli for the jazz festival (I hope the sun continues to shine) and then Colleen and I are going prom dress shopping. I hope we can find one for less than what we paid last year...I really should find a dress swap somewhere for these types of things.

I'm envious of Katie's trip to CA - I had planned to go at the end of May but it looks like mom and dad will be in DC so no trip for me...unless they end up wanting me to go out there and fly back with would be nice to get so see Thea as well as them. And it is so awkward to stay at the house in DC...I should think of alternate plans for that week if I decide not to go either place.

It is the week before Relay and the weekend of Memorial Day...I guess I will just play it all by ear.

I was working on a health assessment thru work from a company that is into coaching people into healthier lifestyles...I found it a little frustrating...the choices for some of their questions were just too standard...why do I want to lose weight? Why do I eat? How motivated am I to find ways to reduce my stress level? Since much of what is causing me stress is beyond my control...oh well...maybe there will be a few tips that I will find useful.

Colleen wants me to join a gym with her...I think mainly so I will be paying for it...although she does say she will go with me. This will be nice although I still wonder WHEN I will find the time to go. I have been walking at lunch - which is nice except it is dependent on the weather...which has turned summer like this weekend. I can walk on the third floor but it gets boring. I like the idea of going somewhere air conditioned to lift weights...but will I use it once Colleen has left for college? Maybe Sarah will join us. I have to go find out the details...

well, it is time to get productive...laundry anyone?


thea said...

The chair is very cute! Who painted it? We're having a good time -- maybe next time you can come too, ore we can meet somewhere fun, like the UP this summer/??

Rachel said...

the chair was a group project - Colleen's relay team, Sarah - Angie - my Sarah - Kyle - Colleen, Trevor, Scott, and Sean was easy and fun

Katie said...

I will come see you next even though I hate the PHL airport.