So because someone is tired of no one picking up after themselves or being considerate of the others that live in this house we are all dodging the yelling and avoiding the one in a bad mood. Yet for years I did it all while you lived in your bubble and there was no model for anyone to learn anything different. So we walked around and did everything for you and you were in a bad mood and now that I don't do anything you are still in a bad mood. Yes, I know you were stressed but you should be relieved and glad to have dodged a bullet. But no, you are in a crappy mood and we all know it. I'm sorry you're tired but so am I.
Yes, I am tired of living in a place where no one does anything...(ok except you)... IF the kitchen sink was fixed I would do dishes but I am really tired of finding them in the laundry room sink and I was tired of doing dishes to cook dinner to do dishes again.
dishes all over the house
people up at all hours
people not considerate of those of us that need to get up in the morning
I could go on but it gets too depressing. I'm so overwhelmed that I can't seem to get started - and most of the time I don't want to start because no one will appreciate it and whatever I get done will be undone almost as soon as I finish.
I bought new towels for the parents to use when they come to visit. I wanted to keep them nice and asked my children NOT to use them. Yeah, right that didn't last - the visit was postponed they think they can use them when there are no other towels are clean because they have left them all in balls in their rooms and if I take the time to get them all together and washed the cycle just begins again.
And I wonder why I'm so tired....