Sunday, February 28, 2010

Laundry, Olympics, Grocery Store

That is my list of things to do this afternoon. Royce has left for work, Colleen is taking friends home, Sarah is hobbling around from soccer and doing homework, and I need to start to get ready for next week. The usual laundry needs doing and I need to get supplies for breakfast and lunch and some dinner foods. Don't really feel like doing it though. I am watching the Olympics to see what games are on today. Right now it is cross country skiing. Someday I hope to learn how to cross country ski - although I doubt I will ever race. It makes me think of the UP and wonder how the snow is up there. I never realized how much of the body it uses. I wish I was as good as Katie at pulling photos from other sources into a blog. Maybe this summer she will teach me.

Time to move clothes from the washer into the dryer.

sorry I don't have more to say - feeling very tired and lazy - like the dogs who are sleeping at my feet.

I got my hair cut and colored again - I now have distinct bangs. I hope I can do it like the woman that cuts it does. I'm getting better at it as I get used to the brush and style. The place I go is pretty expensive - but I have gotten so many compliments I don't mind paying it. I had forgotten how good it feels to have my hair look nice.


thea said...

pictures please (of your hair that is). As for the cross country skiing .. something to look forward to in the future!

Katie said...

google images that's what I use. I agree with thea we need to see the new hair! hugs and smiles!