Sunday, May 25, 2008


I say hello and you say goodbye

without anyone to tell
without a reason to believe
without a time to talk
without a hand to hold

how can I explain
how can I let go
how can I believe
how can I forgive

it was a little thing
it was a big thing
it was a short thing
it was a fun thing

it is over
it never began
it was a whisper in the night
it was a mistake

now I have cried
now I have laughed
now I will move on
now I will forget

if no one but you and I know, will I ever know the truth
was there a point?  did you hurt me on purpose?
was timing really the issue?  will I ever believe again?

it was fun while it lasted and I didn't want it to end.
I knew it would end but I hoped for just a little more 
I wish you had been a little more gentle with my feelings

I know, I know, your game, your rules, you never cared
if this is true, what was that in your voice?

at least this time 
I got to say goodbye and walk away with my head up
your secret is safe 
I won't muddy the waters with my point of view

it is hard to be invisible
it is hard to be unseen
it is hard to let go

the universes will never collide
which is good because I could never fit in

I have no idea how I feel about it at all
it is so strange to be hugged and feel nothing at all


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