Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday Wanderings

Ok, so it is Wednesday and I have tons to do and no energy to do it.  I know I need to go somewhere and buy some stuff but do i want to????  NO WAY!  I don't know if it was waking up late, getting stuck in traffic, or not eating enough dinner (and I do wish I'd stay away from the chips!)   I was fine until i ate the chips....when will i learn?  I do miss the days when i could pass them by without a glance.  

I am so excited about getting back to the Harbor.  I really hope the weather least Sunday morning, please????  Not that anything will happen, it just would be nice not to end up walking in the rain.

I didn't realize Sarah was in this picture. I guess it is from the only time she walked with us. I wonder if the lake is still as low as it was last year.

So Tim just called and a friend of his just died recently. Someone I have never heard of, never met, don't remember hearing about at all. He's hysterical...what am i going to do? I hate it when I can't take away his pain.

1 comment:

Katie said...

sorry to hear about Tim's friend. But I am very exicited to see you and Colleen!